I did it again. I didn't post on Friday. I know why now. It's because I work remotely on Fridays and I end up getting distracted doing other stuff. When I'm in the office I don't have those distractions. Therefore, I think I am just going to post Mondays and Wednesdays from now on. Those days seem to work best for me. Anyway, I've worked on some stuff since the last post. I learned how to model, rig, and animate using Blender! Now I'm no character artist. My modeling skills suck, but I thought it would be good to learn this stuff so I could make some simple assets and animations for my game. I followed this awesome tutorial and got some pretty good results. If you didn't know already, inverse kinematics is the greatest thing ever. It was so helpful for posing and animating. I know that it's really great for other things too, like getting a character's hands and feet to be placed correctly on the ground, etc. By the way, if you haven't seen it, I really recommend watching this GDC talk video on the game, 'Overgrowth'. He mentions using inverse kinematics for his character and I am still blown away by the way he sets up his character animation and movement.
It's going to be hard to make any progress on the actual game and mechanics until I can figure out how to put Unreal Engine on my external hard drive. It's a long story. I'll try to get that done and give an update on Wednesday.
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